
Bundles offers subscriptions to high-quality white goods (washing machines, dishwashers, etc.) and other household items such as coffee machines and even beds. 

By paying for use instead of ownership, this business model contributes to the circular economy. The model incentivizes the manufacturer to develop a good quality (low maintenance) long-lasting machine. There is no investment threshold for the customer, but they can use economical appliances which offer the best performance, are cheaper per wash and are designed to be sustainable. The device is connected to the internet which provides insight into how much energy the device uses and when the device needs to be maintained, which can further reduce operating costs and the impact on the environment.

Bundles fits into our waste theme (processing), which is essential for ifund. Since 2015, Ifund has provided multiple loans to the company to pre-finance the devices, paving the way for more regular financiers such as banks who are still looking for their role in the circular economy.

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